
Monday, 29 February 2016

Cards by a very young fizzi~jayne....

My Mum was having a clear out and came across a couple of cards that I made her when I was young.  With Mother's Day coming up this weekend I thought I would share them with you, have a giggle at these....

It looks like I was after a cat. I never got one!

I remember getting a flower pressing kit for a gift and I used this for the flower

and inside I constructed a pop up trophy! Not sure about the dodgy looking handwriting though, eek! 
I like to think that my cards and creative skills have improved!

My ambitions to start my own company must have started early, look at the "branding" on the back of the cards....

I didn't know my Mum had kept them. It has been fun to look back and the memories they have sparked, thanks Mum x

fizzi~jayne x

Pssst... If you still need to get something for your Mum for Mother's Day, the last date to order from my shop is 1st March 2016.


  1. AW they're brilliant! Nice to see where it all started!

    1. Aw thanks. It was fun to see them again and be able to share them :-)


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