
Friday, 19 February 2016

A day out of the craft den ~ Liberty in Fashion....

Last week I had a day out of the craft den to catch up with Laura from Bugs and Fishes to see the Liberty in Fashion exhibit at the Fashion and Textile Museum.

It was so interesting to see the prints and styles over the decades and I was pleased I could take pictures to show you....

The garments were beautifully displayed in front of impressive prints and artwork.

I loved these peacock feathers they used for this display, they were real and looked stunning.
I was drawn to the bold prints and colours.

I would so wear this dress!

It was lovely to see the sketches and mood boards used by Liberty....

There is also a display on  "The Art of  Pattern" showing the Liberty textile collections by Susan Collier and Sarah Campbell 

This beautiful, old Singer was in the shop, look how prettily it is displayed!

The exhibit is on until th 28th February 2016 so there is still time to see it.  I also recommend the cafe, the choice of cakes are amazing (I may have had one for breakfast!).

Afterwards we jumped on the tube to the V&A's Childhood Museum in Bethnal Green which I have never been to.  First stop was of course the cafe, which has a fizzi~jayne tick of approval!

It was a lot of fun to wander around and look at all the old toys, especially the ones I played with during my childhood, it's strange to think they are in a museum.  I'm not that old, the museum celebrates everything to do with childhood from across the decades and include items as recent as Harry Potter.  Everything was behind glass so it was hard to get great photos but who remembers these craft kits....

I don't think the one I had was called Nancy but I definitely had a French knitting spool like this

and check out these children's sewing machines....

The Museum of Childhood is free and it is well worth a visit.  They currently have an exhibition about Britain's Child Migrants which was really interesting but very moving and we needed some cheering up after that so we went back to the cafe for some cake (yes it was my second serving of cake of the day but who's counting!).

They have an exhibition of Bagpuss and the Clangers from 19th March 2016, so I hope to be able to go back to see that.

fizzi~jayne x

Psst... Before I go, I am looking for guest bloggers to share craft tutorials and techniques on here next month. Interested? Contact me with your idea.


  1. This looks like such an awesome day! I nearly bought one of those knitting dolls a few weeks ago but I figured I can just knit an i-cord if I want one... I'd still like to play with the dolls though!

    1. It was a great day and made me realise I need to get out of the craft den more often to be inspired. I'm such a big kid I'd love to play with the knitting dolls again too!


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