
Monday, 4 January 2016

well hello 2016, have I got plans for you!....

2015 was a great year that flew by! Last year was another busy learning curve and I feel really positive about the goals I have for this year. I plan to take steps for it to be a great year for my business as well as myself....

My business
  • I am taking part in The 100 Day Goal by the Business Bakery to grow my business online. Last year I started work to grow my business online, which saw the launch of my website. Towards the end of the year other areas of my business went crazy, I was busy with craft fairs and the success of my first stockist took me by surprise.  So I am using the 100 Day Goal to get back on track.  It's not too late if you want to join in, all the details are here.
  • I plan to develop new products.
  • I want to start teaching workshops later this year (this will be my second 100 day goal of the year).
  • I want to improve my product photography. I got a new lens for Christmas which I'm excited about experimenting with.  I want to understand and learn more about the technical side of photography to be able to take beautiful photos of my products.
This blog
  • I made a start on fizzi~fun friday.... last year but I want to reinstate it to grow my creativity so I don't get stuck in a rut. So the plan is every other week on a Friday, I will take the day to experiment with new techniques and crafts, as well as revisiting old favourites that I always complain I never have the time to do.
  • I want to share more craft tutorials but I will also continue to share book reviews, my business top tips as well as any behind the scenes and fun days out you might enjoy.
  • I need to save money and when I do spend money I want to spend it on fun days out rather than buying stuff I don't need. I believe experiences make you happier than things and also make you an interesting person with stories to tell. Getting out and about will also fuel my creativity.
  • I want to learn the art of calligraphy.  I have dabbled with it before but as it has become more popular recently, I've seen the beautiful pieces of art created from it and I want to be able to do it too, hopefully! My lovely friend Sarah bought me a starter kit for my birthday so I have the gear and a book to get me started.
  • I still need to lose weight but I'm not going to stress about what I haven't lost and instead focus on my running and eating healthier.  I'll be running another 10km later this month and I plan to apply for the Great North Run when the ballot opens although with a lot of trepidation!
  • I want to achieve a better work life balance. It's not easy to achieve this when your hobby becomes your business and you work from home. I never switch off which isn't necessarily a problem as I love what I do.  I am grateful that I get to do what I love everyday but I need to make sure I don't burn out and I get to spend some quality time with friends and family. So I'll make sure I have one day off at the weekend as a complete work free zone (ideally two days, work load permitting) and make sure I have 21 days off a year (which is the minimum legal holiday entitlement in the UK when you work full time).
So they are my plans for a creative, healthy and happy 2016!
Have you any new year goals? I'd love to hear about them and we can encourage each another. If you have blogged about them leave me a link in the comments, I'd love to read them.

fizzi~jayne x


  1. Good luck with your resolutions - look forward to seeing how you get on with calligraphy! Ill be uploading mine tomorrow

    1. Thanks. I can't wait to get started on the calligraphy. I hope to have time this weekend. I'll look forward to reading your post :-)


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