
Tuesday, 26 May 2015

#CraftBlogClub New Upcycling Challenge....

It's time for another #CraftBlogClub challenge - Pimp My Wardrobe!

The inspiration for this challenge came from @giftfrippery in one of our chats, her idea was "how about getting an old pair of shoes and transforming them? Knit, crochet, embellish, decoupage etc" but for this challenge it doesn't have to be a pair of shoes it can be any piece of clothing or accessory using any crafty technique you like.

A Pinterest board has been created to inspire you, which you can find here. If you would like to be added as a Pinner just leave me a comment below and I will add you.

So raid your wardrobe and get out the old clothes or shoes that you have been keeping and give them a new lease of life!

The Reveal....

We will be revealing our makes in our Twitter chat on 21st July and If you have a blog also present your lovely project in a post by this date and please link back to this blog.

There will be a linky set up on THIS BLOG to showcase your blog posts and do take some time to have a look at the other posts, it’s lovely to see some of the amazing creativity we have in our #CraftBlogClub!

Let us know how you’re doing throughout the challenge on Twitter and Facebook. Don't forget to use our #CraftBlogClub hashtag to keep up to date on Twitter.

I hope you will join in and I can't wait to see what everyone makes!!...

fizzi~jayne x


  1. Just spied this new challenge!!! If I get time I'll try and join in — it's been AGES since I did a #CraftBlogClub challenge!!! ;) xx

    Caro |

    1. I hope you can join in, it's a great excuse to clear out your wardrobe ;-) x

  2. I think I'll be upcycling T-shirts!

    1. Fab, I'll look forward to seeing them. I'm definitely going to upcycle my shoes. If I have time I'll crochet with old tshirts as well.

    2. This reminded me of something I've wanted to do for a looong time -- let's see if the weather co-operates!

  3. Love this challenge! I converted an old dress into a cool skirt. Please add me as a Pinner to your board!

    1. I'm so pleased you enjoyed the challenge. I love your skirt. Are you Crafty Crusader on Pinterest? I hope you can join our Twitter chat tonight


Thank you for leaving a comment! I love to hear from you, whether you just pop by to say hi, share your experiences or want to give me feedback. I appreciate your comments and love reading them.