
Monday, 6 April 2015

One Lovely Blog Award....

The lovely Zoe nominated me for the Lovely Blog Award!  

I Googled to find out a bit more about this award and I found this, "The One Lovely Blog Award nominations are chosen by fellow bloggers for those newer or up-and-coming bloggers. The goal is to help give recognition and it also recognises blogs that are considered to be “lovely” by the fellow-blogger who chose them. This award acknowledges bloggers who share their story or thoughts in a beautiful manner to connect with their viewers and followers". 

Thank you Zoe! It feels awesome to be recognised and by a fab blogger who I follow. It's nice to know that someone reads my blog and enjoys it *big smiley face* (Sorry it has taken a few weeks to get my post up Zoe!).

In order to “accept” the award the nominated blogger must follow several guidelines:
  • Thank the person who nominated you & link back to them in your post, check!
  • Share seven facts about yourself
  • Nominate 10 other bloggers for the award 

Here are my seven facts....
  1. I have always wanted to be a drummer. I learnt a couple of beats at school but I wasn't allowed to have a drum kit as a child and I live in a terraced house now where I want to continue to get on with my neighbours, but one day I will learn properly and rock!
  2. In a previous job I once had a business meeting with DJ Tony Blackburn, cool, hey?!
  3. I hate cooking, I wish I didn't when I see lovely recipes on Pinterest.  I did get an urge to go into the kitchen for more than just coffee once and I was really pleased when I made this Apple Crumble.  Thankfully my hubby loves cooking and is a great cook.
  4. I'm scared of heights, I can't even go up the ladder to our loft.
  5. I love music especially live music. This year I am going to two gigs, Foo Fighters and Garbage.
  6. I am a vegetarian and I hate Goats cheese which is a problem as this is often a popular vegetarian option in restaurants.
  7. I'm training for a 10km run in May.  I'm raising money in memory of my Nan for the Stroke Association.  

My nominations ~ most of them are not new but they are awesome and deserve recognition and you should check them out....

Thank you again Zoe and I hope you enjoy checking out my nominees!

fizzi~jayne x


  1. How very kind! Thank you very much lovely lady :-) XX

    1. My pleasure! I'll look forward to reading your 7 facts and who you nominate :-) xx

  2. Thank you! I will do mine after the madness of the April A-Z is over! :) xx

    1. I'm enjoying your A-Z. I'll look forward to your "lovely blog" post once you've had a breather! :-) xx

  3. Aw thank you so much lovely! Xx

  4. Thank you again, Fizzi-Jayne! I have accepted the award here:

    1. No problem, you have a lovely blog! I'm going over there now to read your post.... x

  5. Love your facts… good luck on your 10k :) xxx

    1. Thank you :-) I was worried I wasn't that interesting! Xx


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