
Monday, 27 April 2015

Enterprise Nation's 7 Steps to Selling without being Pushy Workshop....

You may know from previous posts that I have attended many events organised by Enterprise Nation. So when I saw an invite for members to attend events, for free, in exchange for writing a review, I was quick to offer my blogging services!

I chose to attend their workshop, “7 Steps to Selling without being Pushy”as I thought it would be useful and I was right!

Anis Qizilbash, founder of Mindful Sales Training, did a great job of hosting the workshop at Somerset House. It was a really enjoyable session, everyone was engaged. It was interactive with exercises along the way to help apply what we learnt to our business.  The group represented a variety of services or products and it proved that these steps can be applied to any type of business.

I hope you enjoy reading my guest post over on Enterprise Nation's blog.

Thank you Enterprise Nation for giving me the opportunity to write for your blog and sharing my review with your readers!

Anis Qizilbash, founder of Mindful Sales Training

fizzi~jayne x

Disclaimer: Enterprise Nation kindly let me attend the workshop free of charge in exchange for producing a review on their blog.

Monday, 20 April 2015

2015 Update...

We're one third of the way through 2015 and I thought it was a good time to check-in and see how I am doing with my goals that I set at the beginning of the year.....

Organise my admin
I now have a system and some pretty stationary, of course! I just need to keep on top of it which is easier said than done, but I have time planned in to do it, so I just need to do it! Which leads perfectly on to my second goal....

Less procrastination
I am getting better at this but it's still work in progress.  I think it helps that I am excited about my plans for this year but I'm also using some easy yet helpful tactics....

  • I'm getting up earlier, I'm not a morning person so this is a personal achievement. 
  • Regular breaks help. By stepping away from a piece of work to make a cuppa I can go back to it with a fresh outlook.
  • I've turned off the notifications for any social media alerts on my phone and I only check these and my emails at set times during the day.

Relaunch my Folksy shop and launch a website
I had a lot of custom orders during February and March which were a pleasant surprise and they have kept me busy but my schedule has been pushed back. I have now limited the number of slots available for custom orders whilst I focus on the online side of my business and I get ready for the craft fairs I have booked.

I am in the process of adding my products on to my Folksy shop. My website is near completion and once I have tested it, launch should be next month. It has been a labour of love and I can't wait to share it with you.

Read more
This is one thing I'm not doing very well. I am behind in my Good Reads challenge and I have a pile of books I want to read. I may need to put my crochet hooks down to make the time!

I'm not learning any new crafts this year but instead immersing myself more in the ones I already enjoy to learn more techniques. So far I've been getting to grips with my new Silhouette Machine (Camilla). I introduced Camilla as part of the #CraftBlogClub challenge reveal where I share a couple of the projects I made.

Lose weight  
I've lost 14lbs so far, woo hoo! I'm not losing it quick enough so I may not fit in the dress I want to wear for my friend's wedding but it just means I'll have to go shopping, what a shame!!

As well as eating healthier and watching the calories I have been running with a club and signed up for a 10km run which is keeping me motivated.  Running is my me time outside of the craft den and I'm really enjoying it, even in the wetter and colder months I still went out, one time it was -4 degrees!

How are you getting on with your 2015 goals? Or have they been long forgotten?

fizzi~jayne x

Monday, 6 April 2015

One Lovely Blog Award....

The lovely Zoe nominated me for the Lovely Blog Award!  

I Googled to find out a bit more about this award and I found this, "The One Lovely Blog Award nominations are chosen by fellow bloggers for those newer or up-and-coming bloggers. The goal is to help give recognition and it also recognises blogs that are considered to be “lovely” by the fellow-blogger who chose them. This award acknowledges bloggers who share their story or thoughts in a beautiful manner to connect with their viewers and followers". 

Thank you Zoe! It feels awesome to be recognised and by a fab blogger who I follow. It's nice to know that someone reads my blog and enjoys it *big smiley face* (Sorry it has taken a few weeks to get my post up Zoe!).

In order to “accept” the award the nominated blogger must follow several guidelines:
  • Thank the person who nominated you & link back to them in your post, check!
  • Share seven facts about yourself
  • Nominate 10 other bloggers for the award 

Here are my seven facts....
  1. I have always wanted to be a drummer. I learnt a couple of beats at school but I wasn't allowed to have a drum kit as a child and I live in a terraced house now where I want to continue to get on with my neighbours, but one day I will learn properly and rock!
  2. In a previous job I once had a business meeting with DJ Tony Blackburn, cool, hey?!
  3. I hate cooking, I wish I didn't when I see lovely recipes on Pinterest.  I did get an urge to go into the kitchen for more than just coffee once and I was really pleased when I made this Apple Crumble.  Thankfully my hubby loves cooking and is a great cook.
  4. I'm scared of heights, I can't even go up the ladder to our loft.
  5. I love music especially live music. This year I am going to two gigs, Foo Fighters and Garbage.
  6. I am a vegetarian and I hate Goats cheese which is a problem as this is often a popular vegetarian option in restaurants.
  7. I'm training for a 10km run in May.  I'm raising money in memory of my Nan for the Stroke Association.  

My nominations ~ most of them are not new but they are awesome and deserve recognition and you should check them out....

Thank you again Zoe and I hope you enjoy checking out my nominees!

fizzi~jayne x