
Thursday, 31 July 2014

#Craftblogclub chat ~ Photography hints and tips....

I hosted #CraftBlogCub this week and in keeping wth the current theme on my blog the chat was about Photography....

I started the evening off with asking, "What camera do you use? a DSLR, compact, iPhone...."
@Amy_Christa - I rely mostly on my iPhone then editing on my iPad

@youngonesfive - my phone mostly. Samsung Galaxy 5, fab camera

My hubby has that phone, it has similar settings to a DSLR and dare I say, I think it has a better camera than an iPhone!

@mypapercrush asked for "any tips for getting the best of your photography if you've only got your iPhone?"

A top tip I got from A Beautiful Mess is to wipe the lens. You can check out all their top tips for iPhone photography over on their blog here

@eyrea  -  I don't know about iPhones, but my Android lets you take photos by voice command. Helps avoid camera shake.
That is very cool, I asked Siri and he took me to the camera but he wouldn't take a picture for me! Unless there are other settings on the iPhone, I don't think it can take pics by voice command.

I am still amazed how technology has evolved and how it is possible to take a quality photo with a phone! My first mobile was only capable of calls and texts, O and playing snake (who remembers that??!) 
@Creative_Mine - I  just recently got myself a new camera, I am on the lookout for any tips that can be useful. Thanks, :).

My top tips are ~ I would play and try all the functions and see what results you get. Also re-read your camera instructions, I re-read mine after a year and found all sorts of info I missed.
What's your #1 photography tip?
My tip is to use natural light
@Kay_O - I'd love natural light but currently my house isn't ideal for that! I've got better at positioning under artificial though!

I'd highly recommend a natural light bulb, it can help.
@Kay_O - One thing I'd recommend is taking loads of pics from different angles! Sometimes the strangest things work!

@ForestFlower23 - My top tip is learn to use macro settings for close ups and invest in a mini tripod to keep camera steady!
I also would recommend a tripod, stops the shakes!

What photography apps do you use? I love instagram!
@ForestFlower23 - me too - I actually asked for a smart phone for my birthday JUST so I could have instagram!
@Kay_O - I use the insta editor but though I have the app I don't actually use instagram!
@eyrea  - The GIMP for editing -- it's great for photos destined for the web, it's full of features, and it's free! 

@FlutterbyButton - I resisted Instagram for a long while as I felt it was just another social media platform to get bogged down in, now I love it! Also use Afterlight, great app.

 @Amy_Christa - I use VSCO to edit most of my photos but I love the in app edits Instagram has as well.  My favourite photography app is TimerCam, I did a post about my love for it

@Baking_Betsy - I use also VSCO  for all my phone edits. Really lovely the app with great filters and a whole lot of editing control.
I need to check out VSCO, I recommend A Color Story app.

We had a great question from @Kay_O " Does anyone have a favourite PC/Laptop based photo editor?
(update) I used a Serif program which was free and I love but I now use Photoshop which is brilliant and a step up from the free software.

@Kay_O - I've used picmonkey a bit, loving at the moment, I did all my current new photos on the blog using them!
Is there a blog whose photography you admire?
@Kay_O - I admire too many to mention, I want to take nicer photos from now on! It wasn't something I'd really thought about before!

I am so pleased this chat has inspired @Kay_O!

I've mentioned them already but I'm currently loving A Beautiful Mess and I love the clean and crisp photography of One Sheepish Girl
@eyrea reminded me of another great blog for photos  - "Attic 24, Always has fantastic light, pleasantly bright but not harsh. Hard to duplicate in my apartment".

I asked @eyrea if she has tried taking photos outside to get the natural light ~ "On my balcony, in the shade :-). I've started using the local park when weather allows." 
I wanted to know if this has made a difference ~ "Certainly enough to venture out again. I've also used local cafĂ© tables."
I'm impressed with the effort it just shows that if you haven't got the right light at home there is a way around it.
It was a great chat, so thank you to everyone who joined in.
#CraftBlogClub is every Tuesday from 7pm, join us for a friendly chat about blogs, craft and everything in-between!

Pssst... have you missed any of the previous posts from the Photography Season?  You can catch up by clicking on the below....

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