
Monday, 19 May 2014

Craft Fair Circuit ~ Harpenden and Crafty Herts....

I am currently doing the summer craft fair circuit.  Last weekend I was at Crafty Herts and the weekend before I was in Harpenden. I am trying to find a regular craft fair where I can build a network of regular customers.  This isn't to say I won't do others fairs. I intend to do as many as my schedule allows but I want a regular pitch so my customers will know where to find me.


Weather was heavy showers on and off all day so footfall wasn't great therefore sales were not my best.  However it has potential to be a great one.  They have their regulars, some have been selling at the fair for the past 3 years, so it can't be that bad! Right?!  They were saying it was an unusually quiet day and they would normally do better, so I will give it another go.
Overall it had a great atmosphere, everyone was very chatty and friendly.  It was a pleasure to be a part of it and because of that the time flew by.  As a place of work it was a nice place to be, we even get free tea and coffee, a bonus!
Crafty Herts at Hertford Museum

Crafty Herts was a smaller fair, only 7 stalls in total. It's organised by @LoveAmyBecca who I met through #CraftBlogClub.  It was great to meet her after tweeting so regularly!
In comparison to Harpenden the weather was absolutely gorgeous, so I hate to blame the weather again, but it doesn't help footfall. Who wants to go shopping when they could be sitting in their garden or going on a trip to the park or beach or sitting in a beer garden?!
It was disappointing to not make many sales but there are going to be days like this and it is always reassuring that it wasn’t just me, everyone was experiencing the same.  The trick is to persevere,  if one craft fair doesn’t work out there will be another time or another craft fair that will. 
The only way to get my brand out there and my products in homes is to get out there and be seen.  Online is a massive market place and is just one way to promote and sell fizzi~jayne products but it is important to me to meet potential customers. I generally like meeting people but more importantly I get to interact with customers and understand their needs and what they are looking for which improves my product range and chances of success.
I am trying two more new craft fairs in June....
Little Fox Market Rickmansworth ~ 7th June
Frogmore Mill Summer Fayre ~ 29th June

For more details on these events please go to my Events and Craft Fair Page
In the meantime I have lots of custom orders coming through which are keeping me busy!
Who else has been selling at craft fairs?  Have they been successful? If you run a craft fair let me know, I would love to hear from you
fizzi~jayne  x 
P.S. If you want a custom order I would love to hear from you, to find out more information about the service I offer visit here


  1. I've often wondered about doing craft you get time to really chat to the punters or are they a bit dazzled by all the choice?

    1. I have had some really good conversations. It can vary though, there are some people who don't want to chat but that's normal I just let them browse. It is also really good to network and chat with other crafters/sellers. I have received useful advice and been recommended other fairs to try.
      It's worth giving craft fairs a go if you are serious in wanting to sell your craft. It is a lot of hard work in the build up and it can be a long day but I enjoy them, so I think it is worth it.

  2. I've never done a craft fair however back in the day I used to do book ones. Its brilliant when they go well but the slow days are hard, especially as you feel you've given up your day for nothing. Good luck with your next one!

    1. Thank you.
      I try not to get too down hearted with the quiet ones. I just take the opportunity to chat with fellow crafters. It would feel worse if everyone else were selling loads and I wasn't. I have also been able to get some crochet done and my Mum's birthday present is coming along beautifully :-)

  3. Hi Fiona, I love this post. My only craft fair I attended was in a bingo hall and only about 5 people floated over! It knocked me for 6 but I hope to get back into them! Your stall looked beautiful :) x

    1. Thank you, I am pleased you enjoyed the post and liked my stall. Hopefully I have inspired you to try other craft fairs. It can be hit and miss but don't give up :-) x


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