
Monday, 24 March 2014

Learning to Crochet....

Not only is it National Craft Month but it is also National Crochet Month!
For 2014 I wanted to learn a new craft and I fancied having a go at Crochet. 
My mum taught me to knit when I was young but I never took to it and focused on sewing, art and other crafts instead.  

Learning crochet has ignited a passion for yarn and yep I am now officially hooked (excuse the pun)!!

It was frustrating at first and I thought I would never get my head around it.  It is a different way to craft for me as it is following a pattern whereas I like to experiment and play, more freestyle crafting.  However, this makes it the perfect hobby because I am focusing my mind on something different but it is still creative.  am pleased to say I am now thoroughly enjoying it and I am finding it relaxing, until I lose count!

My first completed project using Afghan Stitch, was a cover for my iPad. I even worked out the pattern myself!

I used 2 colours, this side is Pink with a Lilac stitch across the top and along 2 sides when stitching together.

The other side is Lilac with Pink stitching around 2 edges when sewing the 2 sides together
It's not perfect but I am proud of my first attempt and I am using it, it keeps my iPad nice and cosy and safe from key scratches in my handbag.

It isn't helping me be a savvy crafter as I am not only buying yarn but also books and magazines but if you read my last post you will know this now has to stop!  I'm loving Simply Crochet right now, as it has great patterns and newbie techniques. I will buy one as a treat every now and then but I will make more use of the wealth of FREE info on the web. I have been adding free patterns and tutorials to my Pinterest board.

I am pleased I bought the Crochet Compendium as it is a great reference book and has helped me to understand patterns as well as basic techniques.

The patterns for this flower and leaf were found on Pinterest and are now saved on my Learning to Crochet board....

Now I have yarn in my life I have also started to make Pom Poms! I had forgotten the childhood joy of making Pom Poms until reading Anthea's fab blog post about Crafty Obsessions. So I am now in the process of making Easter chicks
fizzi~jayne  x


  1. Wonderful.. The granny squares, flowers and pom poms look beautiful.. Enjoy.. Happy crocheting!!!

  2. You are doing really well with your crochet! I am a newbie too and enjoying it more than knitting so far. Love the pompoms too, I'm thinking of doing a pompom garland for the kids bedroom - it on the to do list :)

    1. Thank you, I am really enjoying it. A Pom Pom garland would be awesome! I am thinking of doing a Pom Pom & crochet wreath for Christmas, time permitting!


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