
Sunday, 29 December 2013

Secret Santa....

I hope everyone enjoyed the festivities. I am too scared to step on the scales, I am probably 2 stone heavier!

Even though I am no longer working in an office I still did not miss out on a Secret Santa this year thanks to the Twitter group #craftblogclub.  It was organised by the lovely Emma, the founding member of #craftblogclub and a fellow blogger, check out her fab blog here.

We were challenged with making a gift for a named recipient.  I received my Secret Santa gift very early, they were far more organised than me! Thank you Secret Santa!....

Wrapped in a festive fabric, love that idea!

Inside was a pretty felt Reindeer for my Christmas tree and Chocolate!

My beautiful gift was made by Caroline, the Reindeer is hanging on my tree among my red and gold themed decorations.  A mixture of handmade decorations and other pieces collected over the years. The chocolate didn't last long, yum yum!

I love her blog name ~ Tea is the Answer ~ and it is a good crafty read.

#craftblogclub is on twitter every Tuesday 7-8.30pm.  Join craft bloggers, lovers of craft blogs and crafters.  It is a fun, non-competitive arena to talk about anything craft and blogging related, as well as monthly challenges.

I will share the gift I made as Secret Santa in my next post

Thank you Santa for the rest of my gifts, so spoilt!  Of course I have crafty goodies to play with, one of which is a Crochet Starter Kit, 2014 will be the year I learn crochet....

What did Santa bring you for Christmas??

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