
Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Only 8 more sleeps!!!!....

I am overly excited about Christmas, check out my new Christmas jumper, the nose flashes!....

I have one more craft fair on 21st December so I get to wear my new jumper, yeah! I will be joining other artists and crafters at St Mary's Church in central Watford.  If you are in the area, it will be lovely to see you and it will be a great place to get individual Christmas gifts or to escape the shopping centre for a cup of tea.

After this craft fair I will be taking a wee break and my Etsy & Folksy shops will be closed from 21st December.  This is so I can get ready for my own Christmas celebrations (not that I have left it to the last minute!), enjoy family time and have a bit of a rest.  I may not be taking orders or making new products but I will be popping up here and on Facebook and Twitter so please come and say hello!

For now I need to finish off some last minute pieces for the fair, I'm making more decorations and gift wrap as I am predicting these to be popular, I hope so anyway....

PS.  Last order date for UK delivery is 18th December! Visit my Folksy or Etsy shops to order

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