
Monday, 28 October 2013

what's in a name?....

People often ask me how I came up with the name fizzi~jayne makes....   So let me tell you ~ Fizz was my nickname at school (and a name that my Dad still calls me).  Jayne is my middle name and I make things!

I added the "...." as the plan was always to add more variety of products to my range and be more than cards, it is a kind of watch this space/ fill in the gaps style of approach.  I kept the name all lower case just to be different and rebel against the grammar rules, apologies to my English teacher and all those who are sticklers for grammatical correctness, I just like to break the rules. 

I googled various options of spelling of the name and agonised over it and the ease of spelling for far too long. I asked work colleagues and friends for their thoughts and so that is how I reached fizzi~jayne makes....

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