
Thursday, 26 October 2017

the Stitching, Sewing & Hobbycrafts show ticket winners!....

Winners of ticket giveaway

Drum roll please, and the winners are.....
  • Lynn Cooper
  • Krazygal89 
  • JoyOwen63
  • Hayley Small
  • Kathyjaneh 

Please email me your postal address so the organisers can send your tickets.

You can check out all the details and plan your visit on the show's website.

Thank you to everyone who entered, Sorry if you didn't win. I wish I had enough tickets for you all.  You can still buy tickets if you would like to go, read on to find out more.... 


The Stitching, Sewing and Hobbycrafts Show takes place at the Birmingham NEC on 2nd - 5th November 2017.
Opening times 9:30am - 5:30pm (5pm Saturday)
Tickets are priced....
Adult £14.00 (£12.00 Advance Price*)
Senior £13.00 (£11.00 Advance Price*)
Children are free if accompanied by an adult with a valid ticket, otherwise £6.00
*Complete your order before 5:00pm on 30th October 2017 to receive discounted prices.

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

#CraftBlogClub Secret Santa....

It’s that time of year again and we are SO excited here at Craft Blog Club! This year marks our fifth Secret Santa, can you believe it?! I think it’s safe to say it’s our favourite #craftblogclub challenge of the year.

Here is how to join in:
  • If you want to take part please email us at  Please include your name, twitter name, email address and postal address. Email us by 8pm on Tuesday 7th November 2017. 
  • We will then email everyone back by Thursday 9th November with the name and address of the person you are making a gift for.
  • You then make that person a Christmas gift, this can be anything you like and made from any craft. It would be lovely for everyone to receive their gift in time for Christmas, therefore we have set a deadline for posting the gift by Wednesday 20th December 2017, which the last day for posting 1st class mail within the UK. 
  • Make sure you include a note revealing who you are.  Who you make for won’t necessarily be the person that makes for you.
  • Please only sign up if you can make and send a gift by the deadline. As crafters we all know how much time and love goes into making something handmade so let’s make sure no one misses out.
  • Anyone can take part, don't worry if you have never joined our chats or taken part in a challenge before, we'd love for you to be involved.
The real excitement then begins as we all receive a special handmade Christmas gift from our Secret Santa! We ask that you write a blog post about the wonderful gift you receive and about the gift you made. We suggest you do this after Christmas (so not to spoil any surprises) and by Tuesday 9th January 2018, which will be our first #craftblogclub of 2018. It will make for a great first chat of the year to discuss our makes and gifts.

I hope you are as excited about this challenge as we are. We love seeing all the amazing gifts you lovely lot make for one another.

Want to know more about the #CraftBlogClub? find all the details here.

Secret Santa

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Stitching, Sewing & Hobbycrafts Ticket Giveaway....

Ticket giveaway

Stitching, Sewing & Hobbycrafts will be back at the Birmingham NEC for four days from 2nd - 5th November 2017 and I have teamed up with ICHF Events to offer five lucky winners a pair of tickets to this fantastic show!

With these tickets you also get free entry into Simply Christmas, Art Materials Live and Cake International that's four shows with one ticket! 
(Cake International open Friday - Sunday).

I love this show, it is huge! I have been a few times as a birthday treat and I can't wait to stock up on craft supplies this year.

The show is the perfect place to find the very latest ideas, innovations and products from the world of creative craft.  There will also be demonstrations, inspirational advice from the experts, special features and Make & Take workshops giving plenty of inspiration and new ideas. You can find all the details of the show on their website here.

How to enter....

There are a number of ways to enter the Stitching,Sewing and Hobbycrafts Show ticket giveaway, and each one will be counted as one entry, so do all four and you will be entered four times!
  • Tell me why you want to win in the comments below. 
  • Follow me on Twitter and tell me why you want to win. Please use the hashtag #StitchHobbyfizzi and tag me @fizzijayne otherwise I can't count it.
  • Give fizzi~jayne makes.... Facebook page a like and share the giveaway post.
  • Head over to the fizzijayne Instagram, follow and give the Stitching, Sewing and Hobbycrafts post a like. (You'll also find a bonus entry over there too!).
The deadline for entries is 8pm (GMT) on 25th October 2017. The giveaway is only open to UK entrants, sorry my international chums!

The five winners will be picked at random and announced on 26th October 2017.

Good luck!

Read on for full T&C's and info about the show....

The Stitching, Sewing and Hobbycrafts Show takes place at the NEC Birmingham, on 2nd - 5th November 2017. Cake International is open 3rd-5th November 2017.

Opening times are 9.30am - 5.30pm (5pm Sunday). Tickets are priced....
Adult £14.00 (£12.00 Advance Price*)
Senior £13.00 (£11.00 Advance Price*)
Tickets for 2 and 3 days are also available.
Children Under 16 are free if accompanied by an adult with a valid ticket, otherwise £6.00
*Complete your order before 5:00pm on 30th October 2017 to receive discounted prices

Terms and Conditions 
The giveaway is open to UK entrants only . The tickets are valid for entry to the show at the NEC, Birmingham on one of these dates - 2nd, 3rd, 4th OR 5th November 2017. Deadline for entries is 8pm (GMT) on 25th October 2017. The five lucky winners will be picked at random using and announced on 26th October 2017 on this blog. This competition is for a pair of tickets ONLY and does not include any expenses.

Visit for more details and all the latest information.